Marriage Material Podcast

The Proposal That Nearly Went Terribly Wrong | Marriage Material Podcast Ep1

September 20, 2023 Kev & Kylie Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the Marriage Material Podcast - our names are Kev & Kylie.

We have been together for 16 years, we have 2 amazing children, running multiple businesses and now getting married in 2024.

This is will be our season 1 where we dive into all topics of family life, love life, business life, friendship life and leading up to marriage life.

We hope you are as excited as we are to have some fun and talk life on deeper levels.

New episodes will be uploaded every Wednesday so be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify & YouTube.

Kev: [00:00:00] Why did we go for marriage material? 

Kylie: I think it's got a nice ring to it. Marriage material. That's what we clearly both think we are. 

Kev: After 16 years? After 16 years we have now reached the threshold of being marriage material. I would say. 

Kev: So thank you very much for being here listening to us and watching us.

Kev: We are going to be... Talking, this first episode, we're going to be talking about the proposal, and I'm super excited to hear your perspective of it, because I know what my perspective was, and it was terrifying at times, but there was a lot of close calls, there was a lot of things that could have gone bad, and you could have found out, but you didn't, and it worked out brilliantly in the end.

Kylie: total surprise, it really was. And, yeah, let's dive 

Kev: into it. Yeah, so we'll [00:01:00] start right at the beginning then. We were coming up towards our summer holiday with the family, we were going to Turkey. And I thought, I remember speaking to Gareth and Nikki, and I said, I'm going to propose to Kylie again.

Kev: Because, this time, we are going to get married, and we want, we don't want to be engaged for another eight years. Yeah. But I feel like, I feel like we're different, we were different people. We are different people to 2014. So, I wanted to propose to you once more. So, I always knew that I was going to propose in, in Turkey.

Kev: And I remember going to Turkey. Going to Turkey, did you, did you have any idea? Did you have any, did you think that this was ever going to happen whatsoever? 

Kylie: Not, not, not an absolute, absolute? No. That's how shocked I was. No, I had no clue. It wasn't even a thought process. [00:02:00] I know, obviously, like, leading up in the last few months or so, we have been talking more about getting married and having that, that moment for us.

Kylie: Um... And I think we've even joked saying, Oh, you need to propose to me again. But it was never a thing where I actually thought, Oh wow, we're actually going to do it. So no, absolutely blindsided by it I was. It was the best surprise. And also I think it's, it was so good and it's what we needed as well, just to get us all excited again.

Kylie: Like you say, it was 2014 the last, when we, engagement one. Um, but I think, I think we both knew that like you've just said, we're different people. And not only that, I think it was just, it's just that excitement again, isn't it? Um, we never had an engagement party last time and things like that. So I think it's just, I think it's all come at the right time and I think we're actually ready as well.

Kylie: I think we've been quite scared of it. 

Kev: I think it was, it's overwhelming and that's why we wanted to record the podcast and invite you guys to, to join [00:03:00] us on the journey to, towards the big day. Because organizing the wedding, when we got engaged the first time, It was, uh, overwhelming with so many things that you have to think about, the venue, you have to think about invitations, you have to think about bridesmaids, and dresses, and best men, and you have to think about so many things, and I think we was quite overwhelmed by everything, so, but this time, super, super excited because I don't feel overwhelmed at all.

Kev: No, 

Kylie: I actually don't at this moment in time. I don't at all. I just feel excited. I actually feel ready. Like, the whole family is so excited. Like, friends are obviously as well. Um, so now I think, like we just said, we're just ready now. And now this is the exciting part of, It's just the countdown to one of the greatest days it's going to be, I think.

Kev: Yeah. So, I knew I was going to get, I knew I was going to propose to you in [00:04:00] Turkey. Yeah. And going to Turkey, it was an incredible holiday. We'd been there a year prior. And I, I love, I love, I love our family holidays. It's amazing. Real magic moments. And the difficulty that I had was, there was no real preparation in a sense of, I didn't know at what point in the holiday, I didn't know where I was going to do it.

Kev: So there was a lot of, on the plane, and the first couple of days I was like, would it be... In the restaurant, would it be by the pool, would it be on the beach, would it be on the pier, would it be on, uh, all these things, trying to figure this out, and I remember it was, I think it was like day four, I remember speaking to Nikki and Gareth and saying, we need to speak to the hotel and see whether they.

Kev: They can do anything for us at the [00:05:00] pier, because I decided it was going to be at the pier. We love the pier, we'd always walk down there. Amazing view of the Mediterranean, uh, incredible weather, etc. And I remember Nikki and Gareth saying, Uh, do you, do you and see what the hotel can do? Because I was always with you.

Kev: And if I... I thought, what are you, where are you going? You'd be like, where's Kev? 

Kylie: Which is not a natural thing, you're on holiday, one of these goes away, you're going to be wondering where's the other person gone. Of 

Kev: course, of course. Which I did. Yeah, and um, so, I asked them to, they was like, I'll speak to the hotel just to see what they could potentially do, and I was like, amazing, thank you so much.

Kev: It allowed me then just to focus on, okay, I need to go out and find the ring. Because That's crazy that you didn't even have a 

Kylie: ring. [00:06:00] Well What would've happened if you didn't find one? 

Kev: Well, funny enough, I was, I was actually, I got a recording and I was thinking to myself, I was walking out the hotel, I was, I was thinking to myself, have people proposed with No rings.

Kev: With no rings, but then I was thinking, what can I propose with? Can I propose with a, a new bag for you, or a, a nice pair of shoes? No, Jamie, no. Or, um, I was thinking to myself, walking past all these shops, I was like, What if I don't find a ring? But fortunately, I, um, I walked into one of the shops, because the first night we were there, I was trying, in the back of my mind, get a, um, A mental memory, image of like, trying to remember where all these jewellery shops are.

Kev: And I remember walking in, and number one, I wasn't sure exactly what ring size you was. Yeah, neither am I. Yeah, I wasn't, wasn't 100 percent sure. [00:07:00] Secondly, I was looking for a ring that isn't just a, because your first ring, I absolutely love your first ring. I really do. It was a lovely ring. Still is a lovely ring.

Kev: But I wanted something that was quite unique. Yeah. So, I was... I was looking across this jewellery shop, I was just, like, glancing over all the rings, just trying to pick out something that looks unusual. And, uh, fortunately I found the one that's on your finger right now. And 

Kylie: it's perfect as well. I like that, the fact that it's, you know, like you've just mentioned, engagement ring.

Kylie: There can be a lot, a lot of them are generic aren't they? Like you've seen them, they're lovely but what I love, this is like one I've never really seen one like this before Um, and I just like the fact that it's a new ring as well What girl doesn't want a new ring? Exactly. But no, I do like the fact that it's um, it's different and gold, I am definitely a gold [00:08:00] wearing girl, like I don't ever wear silver.

Kylie: Um, so I, I love that as well, that you can actually see a lot more of the gold as well in this ring, so. 

Kev: Yeah, what drew my attention to it was the fact that it's got like a bit of a, um, it's, it's got the actual diamond itself and then it's got a, it's like a rope that goes around it. Yeah. Um, it's like a knot.

Kev: Because we're tying the knot as well, which is amazing. So, I found the ring, got the ring, what I loved, the case of the ring. Straight away, I was like, this is an amazing case. Because it was unusual because it's got a light in it. And then, I brought it back to the hotel. I remember, obviously, sneaking out.

Kev: And you guys were down at the kids club. And I was like, again, if I, if I said that I'm going out to shops, you'd be like, I'm just going to come with you because, you know, we're, we, we do things together. We're best, we're best friends as well. So, [00:09:00] um, but then it was a case of hiding the ring in the room. So you couldn't find it.

Kev: So I was trying to think of every way that I could possibly think of where the ring wouldn't be found because we're in this room, me, you, Theo, Harper. So I couldn't just put it in the cupboard. I couldn't just put it in the, the drawer at the side of the table. I couldn't just put it out in the open. So in the end, I actually hid it underneath the mattress where I was sleeping.

Kev: And then if you remember, I think it was, I think it must have been that night. You were finding it quite uncomfortable on your side of the bed, so he was like, can I, can I switch to your side of the bed? So I was like, yeah, but I knew you would probably feel it then underneath the mattress. So, um, Anyway, I ended up getting it out and sneaking it past you again, but Then it come to the actual evening itself, and um, all, everything just, [00:10:00] there was a lot of close calls.

Kev: Yeah. There was a lot of close calls for the actual proposal. Which I was 

Kylie: still oblivious to. Now, now, knowing them all, it is funny. 

Kev: The first one was to do with the iron, because the iron, at the hotel, you had to go down to reception to get the iron. And this particular day, I kept on saying, well, how about we get ready a little bit earlier, we, we go out a little bit earlier.

Kev: And we're ready and we can walk out to the pier and we'll take some family photos. This was day five, six of the holiday. So everyone's got the nice tan and we can get some nice family photos. So I hid that away from you quite well. Yeah, you did. I think that was a good curveball. 

Kylie: I mean, because we'd be being, not late in the evening, but you'd be leaving the pool and everything, going up, getting ready.

Kylie: And then, we were both saying it'd be nice to go for a drink, and then you tied it in very nice, being like, Oh, let's go get some pictures. So I was like, okay. So then that tied into, put a [00:11:00] nice outfit on type of thing, like... Wear something nice and such. So, yeah, you did very well, actually. 

Kev: But, as we were going back up to the room, at the same time Nikki and Gareth and, uh, your mum, Susan, were going out shopping earlier, they were at the reception, and you wanted an iron.

Kev: Yeah. So, just in this particular moment, we were going up, thinking I was going up to the room, and you was like, oh, while we're going past, we may as well... Get the iron. Go get the iron. Makes sense. Why would you not? End. I knew as soon as I saw them at reception, I knew what they were doing, and I was like, crap.

Kev: Like, how, how would I explain this one? 

Kylie: And I was also thinking, why are they still there? Because it was a good half an hour before they even, they'd left us, and then they were still there. So naturally, I'm thinking, why on earth are they still all there? Something happened, like, I could see they were speaking to a woman, like a receptionist, or manager, or someone.

Kylie: So [00:12:00] naturally, I'm like, what the hell, what are they doing? While still needing the iron. 

Kev: Yeah, so I, I knew what they were doing, and Kylie obviously being concerned, thinking that something may have happened, walked straight to them, and I was like, let's just go get the iron, let's just go get the iron. So, Kylie turns right, towards them, I turn left, trying to, sort of encourage Kylie just to continue to go with me, and, it was funny, Nikki did very well and they, they all did very well because they, um, were able to divert saying they're just organizing the final night because we was going to go to the a la carte, uh, the a la carte meal, the restaurant.

Kev: And we'd already spoken about what night are we doing it? Are we switching times and stuff? So Nikki very, very quickly said, Oh, we're just arranging the, yeah, making sure that the meal's all good for us. So you was none the wiser at this point then. Because 

Kylie: she, yeah, because she literally just said, Oh, there's been a, um, I think she said something like [00:13:00] there's been a double booking, or the time was, they were double booking, basically.

Kylie: So I was like, oh, are you joking? Because we was all looking forward to, to go into the restaurant. And then I bet in their head, they were just thinking, go away. Like, just go away. And I'm just like, okay, have you not been shopping yet? No. So I was like, right, okay, we'll go get ready then. Enjoy your shopping.

Kylie: And just obviously walked away. And didn't think anything of it, like I genuinely didn't think anything else of it. Once I knew everyone was alright, it was just the restaurant booking, I was fine, I was like, okay. You had the eye in, ready? 

Kev: Yeah, I had the eye in, and then we walked into the room, and I remember thinking to myself, my heart was like, Oh, I hope she hadn't found out, and oh, Because you want to keep You want to keep that away from you, and then, Um, fast forward it, an hour and a half, two hours, then we wanted to, we were going to meet for a drink beforehand.

Kev: Yeah. And so we come back down on the elevator and, um, Nikki [00:14:00] and Gareth were telling the story of they were rushing to get back and then, because they knew what was happening and we'd already arranged to meet for the pre drink, if you like, I think it was five o'clock. Yeah. And so we go to the bar, we've all got ready, go to the bar.

Kev: And I remember a lady from the hotel comes walking up to us, knowing that you're there. comes up to sort of Nikki, as well as, right beside you, saying, and I heard what she said, she says, Oh, the, the table is ready at the pier for you. And I remember going, what are you doing? No. And Nikki, again, superstar, she was like, Oh, thanks very much for arranging that and changing our meal time.

Kev: Yeah. The 

Kylie: only reason why I didn't catch on to that conversation, because prior to Because I saw the woman coming over, but half was like, Oh, I'm just [00:15:00] going to the toilet. So the toilet was literally like... 10 steps away from the bar, so I let her go, and then naturally I thought, oh, I'll go follow her, but then went into the bathroom, and she wasn't in there, so naturally, started panicking, so I come straight out, and I was like, where's Half?

Kylie: And I can remember Susan going, she's here, she's here, and I think that's whilst all that conversation was going on, so I just obviously came back. And then I think I said something to Nikki, like, oh, what was that about? And again, like you just said, Nikki just said, oh, she was just confirming that the table for the restaurant is being sorted from what we were talking about before, so either Nikki's a really good liar, or she's just very good at being put on the spot.

Kylie: Yeah, and she She did amazing in that situation, because one, having that pressure of knowing what's about to happen as well, it's such a big moment. I can only imagine how it would have been a stuttering mess, like, lalalalala, like, thinking what to say, and naturally, she just did it so well, so, credit.

Kylie: Thanks, Nikki. 

Kev: But the thing is, when you're on holiday, you're obviously wearing shorts, and you're wearing sandals, and you're wearing shirts, and things of, and dresses, and things of this. [00:16:00] Um, the ring was in my pocket. So that was the other thing, where I was like, I'm surprised that you didn't see it in my pocket, because you, you, or what, what is that hanging out the side?

Kev: What is that hanging at the side of your leg? Because, you know, they're, they're, obviously, they're engagement rings in its case. 

Kylie: I like, to you, they're huge details, whereas to me, like, you'll always, you'll always, you've normally always had your phone in your pocket. So, you know, it's not like I'm going to stare at your pocket thinking, what on earth's that?

Kylie: I know, I know. Thank you. About a drink, hopefully. Like, let's go get a nice drink. 

Kev: And then, obviously I had the camera, and I knew, again, that we was, obviously we was gonna, I was gonna propose to you again. And, but I, I was able to sidetrack why I've got the camera on me, because I was saying that we're gonna have family photos, so again, you wouldn't have thought any different to it.

Kylie: No, I didn't. I just thought, even what, going back to when we were packing and he was like, Oh, I'm going to take my [00:17:00] camera and like the tripod and everything. I thought, well, that'd be for work as well. So, you know, things like that would, in my position now, if you put yourself in my shoes, you wouldn't ever think anything differently.

Kylie: No. It's not out of the ordinary for you to take a camera on holiday for like, you know, obviously pictures as well. But now it just, I even think back to myself and I think, is there any moment where, because I would genuinely say like, Oh, that makes sense, and obviously it all makes sense now, but at the time, one, you're on holiday, two, you're in vacation mode, so you're not even really thinking like that, and I just didn't think it was even going to happen, so...

Kylie: It was fab. Yeah. Dirt. I'm so glad I didn't get any, I didn't, I wasn't aware of anything, because I feel like if I was, you get that feeling of like, oh my god, this is going to kind of happen, and at not one point did I think that, until it actually started happening. 

Kev: I know, and then, uh, during all that time, I remember messaged[00:18:00] 

Kev: me. He says, um, just to confirm, are we, are we going to be there, or are you guys going to walk off by yourselves? And I was like, no, I want, I want, I want you all there. Yeah. Because there's obviously... I absolutely love that. Yeah, I was like, I'd, I'd love for you all to be there. And obviously Theo and Harper and Liv and, and Susan and, and, and your mom, everybody to be there.

Kev: And I also was like, 'cause the pier is overlooking where the, the sunbeds are. Oh, the beach halls on, on the beach halls. Yeah. So I also knew that there was gonna be like, obviously close family there, but. Strangers, like what is going on the

Kev: table and everything out, so. Which is 

Kylie: not a funny thing, because I always get rid of the balcony as well. 

Kev: You did? And you actually said. Every night 

Kylie: I've been doing makeup on the balcony, because you do, you're on holiday, setting's so good, but [00:19:00] why?

Kev: It was for 

Kylie: me. 

Kev: Um, so we, we start walking out and we're initially trying to get Theo because Theo was just getting himself sorted so I asked Theo to hold the camera and I put the camera on record because I wanted just to record us walking out so we walked down the pier and then there was a there's the bus where you can get an outside drink and one of the staff from the restaurant just Kind of just popped out, just, just popped out of nowhere, and Well, 

Kylie: from behind the walls, because it was so random, it was like, hello?

Kev: But it was in that, like, now obviously we know what she was there for, she was there to pour the drinks and, and be there to sort of serve on the wine and things afterwards, but [00:20:00] she kind of popped out, and again, you're none the wiser at this point, but you were walking out and you're like... Oh, this, this looks really nice at the front, you know, and it wasn't 

Kylie: before that because we're walking down.

Kylie: So on the pier, like it's a bus, but they've like turned into like a, um, like a bar or such, isn't it? So they serve you drinks, but every other night, like on the P you can get drinks, can't you? So it wasn't out of the ordinary for that woman to be there. It was just a bit weird. I was, she was like not in the bus.

Kylie: So, I can remember because we all went up saying, Oh, are you open to like, have a drink? We'd all walk down there. And I think she was a little bit taken back herself and a bit like, yes, yes, there'll be drinks, like that type of thing, wasn't she? And then that's when I clocked like, the table and everything.

Kylie: And then still I was like, Oh, they're obviously setting up like a meal. I think I must have said to you, Oh, that's obviously what I've seen, they must be setting up for a meal for somebody. 

Kev: Yeah, and um, At that point, still, I wasn't 100 percent sure exactly [00:21:00] how it would work, because at what point do you start the proposal?

Kev: Yeah. Like, I'm like, okay, where, where, uh, where's the family right now? Where am I going to do it right now? Because the table, because although we'd seen the table, we didn't know... Like, am I going to do it on the right hand side of the table? Am I going to do it at the front of the table? And, um, in the end, what worked really quite well, you wanted to go look at the table anyway, because we were just out there and you'd been nosy.

Kev: Um, because you was, you were just like, Oh, let's go look. Because there was rose petals on it. We'd of bottles of wine on there. There was glasses on there. There was a table runner on there. And it was at that point, it kind of goes a little bit blurry to me. Um, because it's like, at that moment, I remember you turning around, and I just, and I just, 

Kylie: Well, yeah, so we were walking up to it, and I can always remember Gareth saying, Don't go too close, it's like that's somebody's setup for their meal.[00:22:00] 

Kylie: So me and Bambi, I was like, I'm only having a look, like I wasn't touching anything. And thinking obviously it wasn't for us, because I thought, in my head I was thinking, oh my god, the one night we're going to go down to the pier to have a drink and some bugger's having a bloody candlelight dinner on it.

Kylie: So then go up to the table, Gareth had said that, so like, at the end of the pier, it's like a, it's like a raised platform, isn't it, as such. So, obviously I, I kind of step up here, I have a little nosy at the table and I'm, I, I turn around and I'm about to say, Oh, it's so lovely, like, it must be set up for somebody.

Kylie: And I'm about to walk away and, and you just say, Oh, well while you're up here, um, I'd like to stay up here for a second because I've got something to say. And I, and I think that's where I was just a bit like, I can, I can remember just like, because you were holding my hands. And I just kind of like, look round for everyone thinking.

Kylie: I still then was thinking, What am I doing? No, I thought you were just going to declare your love for me. I thought, oh, he's got the, he's got the video out. He might just be saying some real nice things about me. [00:23:00] And then, yeah, you obviously said what you said, which was lovely. But I think the moment when I realised when, what was happening.

Kylie: I don't think you'd even asked me yet, but you were like, I could tell you were so nervous and I was thinking, right, you're not normally like this, like, that's a bit weird. Um, and yeah, and then it was, it was just stunning. Like, it is hard to, like, picture everything still in your head because it all happened so quickly.

Kylie: Doesn't anything like this happen so quickly? But like, there's just... Snapshots of everything that I've like pieced together again. It's like you want that moment to like relive it which is so I'm so thankful. We've got like videos and we've got like pictures. Sorry of like capturing at all 

Kev: Yeah, and for those that are interested We will share them on like YouTube and you'll be able to see the specific moment but for those guys or girls that have proposed to their girlfriend boyfriend [00:24:00] Um, you're always thinking in your mind, you're trying to play over in your mind, like, what are the words you're going to say?

Kev: Like, how are you going to say it? And, I all, I, I, I think that everybody probably experiences this, that, like, You, you start and your mind goes completely blank and you're like, you kind of forget everything that you have practiced in your head for potentially hours before, everything just goes out the window at that point.

Kev: You are so great. I love you. Yeah, it goes out the window. And, um, I remember it was nerve wracking. It is nerve wracking. It is scary. Like, you know, you, you want, You want it to be a great moment, you know, you want it to be a, a fantastic moment for yourself. You want it to be a surprise for you, and you don't want to be lost for words where you just like stumble or [00:25:00] you kind of choke on your own words.

Kev: So you're, it is very, very nervous, especially because we had the entire family, like the family around us. We also. You know, although that the people on the people that were there, they want, they would have known kind of what was happening, but like, you're always conscious that people are watching you.

Kev: And then the person from the hotel is also right there. So you kind of feel like you've got a. An audience in a very, you know, very intimate moment where you are declaring your love for one another and, um, I remember, I remember getting on one knee and, um, asking you and I was like, you better not say no.

Kev: And, uh, you was like, of course I will. Yeah, 

Kylie: I thought you, I don't even think you I 

Kev: will. Yeah, well, I, I didn't. I, I'd not actually [00:26:00] finished my, my speech that was going up in my mind. But you was like, of course I will. And, um, I was like, oh my God, that's, that's amazing. No, you did really, 

Kylie: really well. Even throughout everything you were saying, it was so lovely.

Kylie: And like you say, you got down on one knee. And it was, it was just perfect. Like, it was lovely. 

Kev: You're welcome, my darling. And, um, you know, because one of the things that we've always, I feel, and we're going to talk about this throughout this podcast and as we go into season one, is we've always wanted to do things just slightly different, like our way and differently.

Kev: So we are going to talk about how we're going to do our stag and hen do differently and how we're doing the wedding and everything differently. So I wanted to say that to you in that specific moment, like we're doing it our way. Um, and I'm really, really excited for what the, the next 12 months will, will be involved.

Kev: And I remember [00:27:00] just hearing a cheer. Yeah. Like, I was like, all of a sudden you hear a cheer and it was like, it wasn't just the family that was there that were like, clapping and cheering. It was 

Kylie: everybody. Yeah, I know. I can literally remember hearing the same cheer as you and just looking over and I think I said something like, I said, yes!

Kylie: It's like, no, I put my, wrong hand, up. And then, and I can just remember this woman, she had a yellow bikini on, and she was giving it some, she was like, I imagine she was going, woo! And like, that will stay with me forever I think, just cause it's like, never experienced that before, having such a And it was just, oh my 

Kev: god.

Kev: I know people, people were jumping into the sea. People were whistling, uh, cheering, uh, clapping, everything. It was like, there's a specific moment where you were just saying then, um, it was like we was in the ring and we was like, She said yes, and we like [00:28:00] celebrated together, um, and then the lady from the hotel, she poured the drink and we sat there and we, we, I mean, we was there all night at that point.

Kev: We sat there, we were talking, we were celebrating, drinks were flowing, wine was endless, um, and we were just, and it was a lovely sunset on the pier, Mediterranean. Amazing. It really was absolutely loved it. And it was, I can honestly say, I couldn't, you always think to yourself, like how you want that experience to be.

Kev: And even with the close calls. Even with the, the things that you could have found out or the ring, because at the same time, I remember being at the, in the, the shop I was, I was trying to ring on on me and I was like, I think that's what Kylie's size would be, the ring [00:29:00] fit perfectly. Yeah. Which was amazing.

Kev: And yeah, it was the start of everything that we've experienced since. Yeah. And, uh, we're super, super excited. that, uh, in next week's episode, we will be talking about finding the venue, which we're not going to disclose right now, and where it is, and um, but yeah, that's gonna be super super exciting, because since then, I feel like it's been a...

Kev: A bubble 

Kylie: of bliss, a wedding talk, which I love. 

Kev: Yeah, it's been amazing. It has. You know, every... 

Kylie: It's got everyone motivated, like, we're all, we're all just so excited. And I'm in for it. I honestly cannot wait just to, but it's the lead up for me as well, like obviously we're gonna have the day which we'll go over and things like that within these podcasts, but For me it's [00:30:00] the, it's this, it's now, it's like the lead up to it, it's all the little bits and things that I've got in my mind, what you've got in your mind, it's bringing them all together and having that one big picture of like our 

Kev: day.

Kev: This is it, this is 

Kylie: it. Very, very exciting. 

Kev: So I think that's a good place to call it a day for episode one. I really, really hope, um, I've really enjoyed this. I have as well. This has been fab. Yep, first 

Kylie: one. 

Kev: First one. Many more to come. Yeah, um, so Uh, let us know what you guys think. Let us know what you, um, what your thoughts are.

Kev: Every Wednesday, we are going to be doing a podcast, uh, release in the podcast where we'll, we'll talk about. Next week, we're going to be talking about finding the venue, uh, which will be super, super exciting. And we'll go through just sharing, like, what we're experiencing planning a wedding because we've never done that before.

Kev: We've got so many things that we're currently on with. And, uh, if you guys have got any... [00:31:00] Comments, feedback, if you've got anything at all, uh, please don't hesitate to get in touch and we're super, super excited for you to be here. And if you are watching on YouTube as well, then please do hit the subscribe button because, um, um, we are going to be doing this more podcast than it's going to be on Spotify, Apple, etc.

Kev: But I'm so excited to be doing this marriage 

Kylie: material. Mm hmm. Marriage material. But no, it's been great. 

Kev: See you guys, um, next week

Kylie: See you next week.

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